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Managing content management (with no vendor lock-in): Git CMS and static API generation, together at last!

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Watch Managing content management (with no vendor lock-in): Git CMS and static API generation, together at last! on YouTube

If Jamstack has taught us anything, it’s that websites work best when they’re generated from folders full of flat files. Even massively interconnected websites!

We talk through a classically Jamstacky approach to content management for large organizations: mounting shared layout and component repositories, creating a central content lake to aggregate content like news articles, and automating site builds and deployments when your content or dependencies change.

Watch on YouTube

This is a talk session at the 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good.

CloudCannon Artist Activist
Liam Bigelow

Liam Bigelow is a senior software engineer based in Dunedin, New Zealand.

He creates and supports open-source tooling for static sites, including the static search tool Pagefind, and the static API generator Flatlake.

He co-created the word-building game Truncate — and still spends hours playing it, both for quality control purposes and to learn fun-at-parties facts about etymology.

David (in black and white) David Large

David Large is a writer and static site enthusiast based in Dunedin, New Zealand, where he covers SSGs and related open-source tools for CloudCannon.com.

When he isn’t pushing pixels or wrangling Liquid templates, he helps to organize HugoConf, builds arcade game cabinets, and carves wooden spoons.


Time Talk
18:30 UTC
Don't Fear the Cascade
18:55 UTC
Managing content management (with no vendor lock-in): Git CMS and static API generation, together at last!
19:30 UTC
Come to the light side: HTML Web Components
View the full schedule
The possum mascot floating on a red balloon via a light blue tether attached at the waist. They are wearing oversized glasses.
An alley way with a green dumpster. A brick building sits in the background with a small possum floating on a red balloon in the window.